Monday, July 14, 2008

Macro, what a Concept!

My little sister Chelsea (not by blood) turned 18 this weekend. I forgot I was going to make cupcakes for her so instead I made her a Birthday Banner! I'm still aching to be creative and domestic.
With Chels turning 18 it reminded me of the time I was at that age and the time I had no real responsibility. Wouldn't it be fun to go back in time with the knowledge I have now? I wondered how it would have changed my course in life. Then I quickly quite thinking about it because I don't regret one thing. (well except not finishing my degree). But I know Heavenly Father knew what kind of person I wanted to be, and that meant learning a valuable lesson early in life and in a way I never thought possible. Wow, talk about distraction..

Highlights of the weekend:
*Chelsea turning 18!
*We competed in the Georgia Games- I won 2 gold, Cony won gold & bronze
*I learned Macro on my camera!! Hello, why didn't I know about this sooner!!!???
Here are a few pictures with my new learning tool..

1 comment:

  1. Hey babe ... what kind of camera do you have? Mine just broke a couple wks ago and I am dying for a new one but I am researching it out ... Love ya !!
