Tuesday, August 19, 2008

my Savior

I've been doing a lot of thinking about the plan of salvation and what it means to me. I've always believed it, but now I'm experiencing it from a whole different perspective. I know that my Redeemer lives! And because of that I know my dad is still very much a live (spiritually of course) and working. I know he is in a place that is so beautiful it's beyond our imagination and he is happy! I knew that almost instantly after I heard of his passing. So this picture gives me great joy and hope.


  1. I really love the artist who painted this. I forget her name, but I like her -- for her work, but also because she is one of the only really famous women religious painters I can think of.

    Thanks for this post -- I enjoy catching up on your life and reading some of your thoughts. :)

  2. Hey you. I loved your comments about what is to come ... I also have known it but it does take on a new meaning when someone close is gone. I love you- big hugs!
