Wednesday, August 27, 2008

my Loves

I tried out a new recipe on Sunday and had the family over. I made turkey meatloaf with asiago gravy, served with roasted tomatoes and broccoli. I also made cupcake pops that I couldn't keep from Cony- the big pig! Our apartment is not very big so after a while we took the kids outside to get some energy out.. in the rain! Even mom and Emily were out there splashing away. I've realized that I cover our blog with pictures of our nieces and nephews, but they are my loves and it scares me to think what this blog will look like when we actually have kids of our own. Watch out!

Cony started school last week and has some sort of interview today. I hate to even mention it because all I know is that it has to do with his UN class. He has the opportunity to be on the board or something. Whatever, I slaughtered that explanation.

I personally have been stressing over my job. I'm quitting today. I've been there for over 2 years but feel it's time to move on. I've had some great offers that I'm really excited about and hope things work out to plan. But let's be for real.. when do they ever work out to plan??!!

I wanted to mention a talk our home teacher gave on Sunday because it really hit home for me. He talked about trusting the Lord and trusting that He knows what we NEED. So we don't need to stress out so much about the little things of life. And I know that in the end it just doesn't matter anyway!! We are here on earth to gain a body and to have a family. That's what the earth was created for, it wasn't created so that we can get the best job out there, or we can have a fancy car or the biggest house on the street. Simply it was created for families. I've been telling myself this for almost a year, I especially think this when we talk about when we should have babies. But when we were planning dads funeral it hit a nerve. (a good nerve) If we do get pregnant soon, what a wonderful blessing it will be and I know the Lord will provide for us no matter what may happen!


  1. I love the pic of y'all in the rain-so cute!

  2. Are you a choo-choo train in that picture? :) Cute.

    This was a funny post, girlie. I liked it a lot. :)

  3. Thanks for sharing the talk from your home teachers I needed to hear that! Can I barrow a lot of your faith?!!! Thanks for being an inspiration and an answer to a pray! You are such a sweet girl! Love ya

  4. I enjoyed this post and cute pictures.

  5. Thnak you for sharing your blog with me. I love the family picture. That is the best. My thoughts are always with you. Stephanie
