Sunday, March 16, 2014

Maddie Moo

Another month has come and gone and Spring is in the air. I'm so thankful Spring is in the air. It's doing a lot of good to my soul. We are in our new home and although our to-do list is a mile long, it's comforting to know it's ours. We haven't painted one wall and I've still got the ugly curtains up the previous owner left. I surprise myself. But to avoid an anxiety attack, I just take one day at a time and consider it a successful day if I have dinner on the table. 

Last week Cony had an emergency surgery to remove his appendix and we experienced a lot of tender mercies. Tuesday morning I had a newborn photography shoot that just happened to be 3 minutes away from his work. Not only that, the newborn was a dream. These type of shoots normally take three or so hours, but I was in and out in an hour and a half. The baby slept the entire time and didn't pee on anything or anyone. These two little miracles are what prompted me that we did indeed need to head to the ER. He had surgery later that night and the healing process is slow but he's back at work and back to pestering me in his loving way. 

Madelyn has changed so much. I forget how quickly these babies do change. Week to week is different. One thing that is consistent... her fearlessness. After dragging a chair over to the kitchen counter, she'll climb up and jump down while flying through the air. Everyday there is something funny, frustrating and intelligent she does that makes me question if we'll be able to keep up with her. 

Maddie highlights: 

-"Me try!!" just turned into "Let me try!" this week
-"Catch" while throwing most anything 
-"Hug Mama, I want a hug!" -- although my favorite, she seems to say it mostly when she knows she's in trouble
-puts on her hat and shoes, gathers her purse and walks to the door with no pants on, blows me kisses and says "bye bye mama"
-after going to the potty she yells "treeeeat!" 
-unfortunately she's found a lot of comfort in her pacifiers lately (an issue I don't have the energy to fight, I mean I did suck my thumb for a very long time myself)  In order to get a snack she hid her pacifier in between her bum and thighs to free up her hands
-loves, loves to hide- mostly in the washing machine
-loves to help me stir anything I'm cooking 
-her adoration for animals keeps growing
-after using the potty she puts her head on the floor and her bum in the air for me to wipe her hinny 
-yells "got you!" even if you were the one to grab her
-"it's ME!" "it's NANA!" "it's DADA!" "it's MAMA!" 
- calls my sister Emily "her pretty"
-love hearing her say Olive's name and calling her sister

We are so fortunate to have these girls in our lives! 

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