Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow, snow, ice and traffic...

Cony is stranded in the middle of the city after the most crazy snow day known to man and it seemed appropriate to document some happy moments. We knew it was going to snow, but that usually just means a flurry here and there. Instead we got two inches which has forced the Governor to issue a state of emergency. Everyone in the city of Atlanta was released from work and school at the same time. Traffic here is already a hot mess. It's been black/grid locked since noon. Parents still can't reach school children that are stuck on buses. Make fun of us Southerners all you want- but our state has 3 plow machines (maybe less) and we are not equipped to handle this sort of weather. I've never truly appreciated Facebook until this evening. After posting something about our situation (still in the mindset Cony would be home tonight) so many friends reached out to us, offering help. Our church community is amazing and Cony is now enjoying a warm, happy home with friends we knew years ago from church. 

Before we knew the seriousness of the situation at hand, Madelyn had a blast throwing snow and making snow angels with Jordan. I'm personally hoping to enjoy the weather more fully tomorrow when Cony is home with us. 

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