Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Thankful Thinking

It's interesting when I think about this blog of ours and why I felt the need to start one. I had no particular reason why, just felt a need to do it. The way this blog has blessed our lives is immeasurable. So when people tell me my life looks glamorous, I feel a sharp pain in my side because that's the last image I would want people to have of us. I write and document things on here for me and Cony. Things that we want and need to remember. I can't even count how many times I've gone back through certain post and completely forgot we either did something or I felt a certain way. Just when I was thinking about these reasons and the comment was made to me about our glamorous life, I was listening to an Ensign talk about the importance of 1.) keeping a book of remembrance and 2.) having a thankful heart in all things. I've pondered this talk the last few days and I've found myself looking for more ways to be thankful. Even at the moment I completely loose my patience because my toddler hasn't napped and becomes mischievously naughty. Then 5 minutes later goes 'pee pee in the potty' for the first time. Right now I'm particularly thankful for my body. I didn't get stretch marks until after OCM was born and I thought it would bother me, but it's had the opposite effect on me. I see them (although fading now) and it reminds me of both our miracles and that I was able to experience bringing a human life into the world and someone else was able to do that for us. No matter the situation, there is always some thing I can find to be thankful for. Especially my family and I have a way to document our life together. 


  1. So much love for this post. Xoxoxo

  2. Also- your family picture is amazing! And you are amazing! So blessed to know you :)
