Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The How

At times it's still hard to believe I'm 20 weeks pregnant! We are thrilled and wanted to share how this miracle came to pass.  Most of the responses have been ... "That's what happens when you adopt, you get pregnant afterwards!". Well, it wasn't that easy AND a lot of women simply do not have that option. I know those responses were out of love and I have no hard feelings, but it has inspired me to write another chapter of this journey we've been on. 

It's all about the Lord's timing and we know without a doubt that Madelyn was meant to be in our family, but just as importantly her birthmother and family were also meant to be apart of our family. Would this had happened if we already had children of our own?  It's unlikely. We both feel passionately about adoption and hope our journey has helped someone feel it's not always a negative process. In fact we have reason to feel that it's usually the adoptive parents that make the process more difficult and harmful than needed. 

While living in Connecticut, we had amazing insurance (it would have covered IVF treatments) and we jumped on the band wagon immediately to take advantage. We went through a few doctors and this past summer switched to an OB that was finally able to direct me to the right Specialist. At this point, there had been lots of meds and treatments that were  unsuccessful. We would have had an IUI or IVF treatment a long time ago but the meds they kept putting me did not "jumpstart" my ovaries. If you know anything about getting pregnant you know your ovaries have to be functioning properly.  The new Specialist decided to put me on a cancer pill they had recently discovered help women ovulate. At first I wasn't too thrilled about being put on another med, but while in his office a warm feeling came over me it was the right step. The first round was not successful but was successful because for the first time I was able to produce a follicle. With the second round of these meds, I had to be in the lab by 6:30 a.m. to get my blood taken to make sure we didn't miss my surge. I did that for 10 days. If I did surge, the plan was to do an IUI  (Intrauterine Insemination). This is when they take "washed" sperm (your husbands) and directly inseminate into the uterus. By the grace of God,  I was able to be inseminated on 10/11/12 (I LOVE cool dates!)! However, having an exact date to know if the procedure worked emotionally drained me. I barely did anything for a week because I was convinced my cycle was about to start. When the day came to take a pregnancy test, although faint, I knew it was successful! I didn't know what to say or how to say it but I got down on my knees immediately. 

To make the day even sweeter it happened to be Cony's birthday. I quickly drew '1+1=2' on a wooden heart for Madelyn to hand him as his gift. I'm grateful I thought to record his reaction! 

Words can not do our feelings and excitement justice. We know most of you have been praying on our behalf for years and we have sincerely felt them give us strength through this journey. We know how lucky we are to be able to carry a child of our own and to have beautiful people in our life! 


  1. How wonderful for you all! Thank you for sharing your experience. Congratulations again!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing your amazing story. It showed me that miracles happen according to the Lord's timing and that life is full of many beautiful moments waiting just around the corner. You have given me the boost of hope that I need as I continue my journey to recover my health. I am so grateful for the faith and love that you embody. You are a wonderful person. I am so thrilled for you and your beautiful family. Thinking of you and sending prayers your way. Love your childhood friend, Hillary :)

  3. Thanks for sharing your amazing story. It showed me that miracles happen according to the Lord's timing and that life is full of many beautiful moments waiting just around the corner. You have given me the boost of hope that I need as I continue my journey to recover my health. I am so grateful for the faith and love that you embody. You are a wonderful person. I am so thrilled for you and your beautiful family. Thinking of you and sending prayers your way. Love your childhood friend, Hillary :)

  4. I came across your blog through a friend and hope you don't mind me reading your story. I was so touched and was able to relate to some of your experiences. My husband and I also considered adoption and before we got very far we got pregnant on Femara (is that the same medication you used by chance?) I really enjoyed your beautiful story and you have a beautiful family! Congratulations.

  5. So awesome to hear! We are so excited for your family. Madelyn will be a great big sister!

    I remember waiting for our children seemed like unnecessary torture but Heavenly Father definitely had a plan for your family.

    Bless you to have a wonderful pregnancy, full of joy!

  6. What a sweet video. :)

    Congratulations over and over again! It is interesting, though, isn't it? To know that Madelyn was meant to be with you? Or that you were meant for her? It will be a special day when you can tell her that. When you can tell her that God definitely had a plan for her life. :)

    This post made my heart happy. I am actually crying tears of joy for you and Cony. :)

  7. I am so glad that I saw your blog on a friend of mine's post. It was exactly what I needed to hear as my husband and I are waiting to adopt. Sometimes the wait seems so long and hard, but your post reminded me again that everything will happen in God's timing. Thank you!

  8. I am beyond words excited for you all! I love that video ;) So tender! You guys are so blessed ... And loved by so many people. This is the best news!!

  9. I am so overjoyed for you both. I know that there was a plan for your wonderful family to come together the way it has. You are such an inspiration with your strength and commitment to your faith.

  10. Congratulations Megan and Coney! Wow, this is just fantastic news! I'm soo happy for you both! xoxoxox Bec

  11. that video made me cry. your life is so beautiful!

  12. We are BEYOND thrilled for you guys! Congrats times one million!!!!!
