Saturday, January 5, 2013

Blast from 2012

Well I wouldn't say we're having a blast back here in the dirty dirty (yet). I painfully miss our life in Connecticut for reasons I'm not ready to share or have the mind set to even think about. However, I'm grateful we have a roof over our heads (even if it's not our own) and food on the table. I've really enjoyed cooking and having a family dinner at the table most nights. It's nice. Although I need to catch up on the holidays and try to feel human again- I want to document my favorite photos of the last year. Hoping it will motivate me to get busy making new goals and plans to make 2013 a great year! I have a feeling it's going to be good...


  1. We miss you like crazy around here. Can't believe how much Madelyn has changed this past year. She is a sweetheart. Your post is motivating me to get back to my blog. Hopefully soon!

  2. Megan! You look so, so beautiful in that close-up shot of you and M. The one with you in the blue shirt.

    Miss you!

  3. Jenika and I love the pictures. What an incredible year it's been with your darling many happy memories! Love your guts!
