Monday, December 10, 2012

Cookies and Milk

A few months ago we knew that we wanted to celebrate Maddie's birthday with a party. At first we thought we'd be in Georgia, so I planned accordingly but we were ok staying here to celebrate because it would be a "good-bye" party of sorts as well. (Will go into what are plans were and what they aren't now, later.) The party was set, cookies were made and then baby got sick. The sickest she's ever been. For three days she just cuddled with us and barely drank her bottle and occasionally ate a cracker. We secretly enjoyed it because she actually cuddled with us but hated seeing her in so much pain.

Thankfully things worked in our favor to reschedule the party for the following Saturday. Wednesday the men in our congregation got a call to help clean up at Rockaways, New York. It was hit the hardest during Hurricane Sandy. I'm thankful Cony felt he needed to go even if it meant he would miss Baby Girls first birthday party. The service opportunity could not have come at a better time in our life.

So Madelyn and I celebrated with our closest friends with a Cookies and Milk theme. She was in hog heaven. It's like she knew everyone was there to love on her and she took advantage!

1 comment:

  1. Happy happy birthday, beautiful girl! What a gorgeous miracle you are <3
