Friday, November 9, 2012


Never a dull moment around here with the hurricane last week and the Nor'Easter this week- we've been busy! I'm actually listening to Christmas. I can't help myself. I'm a child at heart I guess and when I see snow I still relate it to Christmas time. I'm listening to Bing Crosby's Christmas on Pandora. It's amazing. 

Last Friday night we attended a UConn Women's Basketball game. I've been wanting to check that off my list since the day we stepped foot in Connecticut. We couldn't pass up $5 tickets and knowing someone on the team makes it more exciting! Baby was getting restless so we took a walk and she is a ham. She wasn't shy and waved to everyone and even examined the Husky mascot until she realized it wasn't a real dog and wanted nothing to do with him. Wearing her UConn dress she was the cutest, smallest Husky fan ever!

Cony flew home during the Nor'Easter and I'm thankful he made it and was only 30 minutes late. I had a good practice run driving in the storm earlier when a friend and I took dinner to a momma with a new baby. We passed dozens of cars that were stuck and could not move. At one point when we were stopped, we got out to help a few cars up the hill. All while a few "men" sat in their big trucks and just watched us. I truly can't imagine that happening in the South. I realize that not all Southern men are gentlemen but......... I've never been more grateful for a car, particularly a 4WD. 

The next day we had a great Snow Day and loved rolling (literally) in the snow. Baby loved the snow too but hated she couldn't move the way she wanted in her snow outfit. Which was sent just in time by grandparents! 

This morning before I left for work, I noticed baby playing in our room. She was picking up all the books next to Cony's side of the bed. Then all the sudden she decided to pick up a book that is easily over 1200 pages. It's heavy for me to pick up. My first thought was "she shouldn't be able to pick that book up!" and then I realized how amazing it must be to be a baby.... everything so new and fresh and the mindset of being able to accomplish anything. Nothing holding her back... including herself.


  1. ah i love your blog! i am going to have to do some catchup at ready old posts. i love your explanation at the bottom of the post about her thinking she can do anything :)

  2. i love your blog! so glad i found it! i will have to read up on some old posts. i love what you wrote at the end about how she thinks she cad do anything. they are so amazing!

  3. She looks so cute in her snow outfit. Makes me think of The Christmas Story... but looks like she still has quite a bit of movement. Love that pink hat, too!
