Friday, September 14, 2012

Perfect to Me

While playing or cleaning I like to expose MMM to music (since neither one of us can sing). I feel it's never too early to expose babies to great music. The other day I had Pandora on and I heard the song Perfect by the Glee cast. Not sure the original artist. I can't get the lyrics out of my head because it's exactly how I feel about our Madelyn but most importantly how I want her to feel about herself. Yes, I have many hopes and dreams for her but soon she'll have her own dreams and if she doesn't see herself as Heavenly Fathers sees her - those hopes and dreams will be hard to come by. Something I unfortunately had to learn the hard way.


Pretty, pretty please! 
Don't you ever ever feel 
Like you're less than...
Less than perfect.
Pretty, pretty please! 
If you ever ever feel
Like you're nothing..
You are perfect, to me.


I feel so blessed I was able to capture this precious moment of her sleeping. I wish I knew how to seer every moment of her life into my memory.


  1. Megan - the original artist is Pink. This is such a sweet post.

  2. One of my favorites; it's a Pink song...:)

  3. I love your photography! I love how you don't over-manipulate images in Photoshop -- at least, it doesn't look like you do, so you're doing something right! :)

    I just love your clear, crisp style. Your pictures feel happy and clean, and I think that's actually kind of rare these days.

  4. Love this post. Put a big smile on my face! You are so lucky!! Heavenly Father is TRULY blessed you guys!!
