Sunday, July 29, 2012


Like everyone else in the world, we love watching the Olympics. There's something so empowering and encouraging about watching these athletes perform in a way not every single person can. I also can't help but remember how my life changed eight years ago right in the middle of the Athens Olympics. It's when my ex-husband moved out and I saw a Mormon chick named Megan rowing for the US "quad" that I knew deep down in my veins rowing was for me. It wasn't until two years later that the dream came true and I met my man but looking back I know everything was perfectly timed. 

Also, does anyone else compare their life experiences in reference to the Olympics? Let's do a little review.... 

1980- Moscow. My mother was pregnant with me and little did they know how amazing their life would be with me in it! 

1984- Los Angeles. I was almost 4 years old. We just moved to Idaho from Georgia. I'm positive I was a perfect child. 

1988- South Korea. Probably beating up on boys at school and making mud pies in ditches.  

1992- Barcelona. Just moved back to Georgia from Idaho and buried Daddy Jimmy, my dads dad. 

1996- Atlanta. I was almost 16 and trying to figure out how to survive my childhood as an unbalanced teenager. I wish I remembered more of visiting the Olympic park and things...

2000- Sydney. I was almost 20 living in Salt Lake City and 2-3 weeks shy of getting married for the first time. Oy vay. 

2004- Greece. Just bought a house with the ex and right smack in the middle of coming to the realization that I was going to be a 23 year divorcee. Later realizing it was the best thing to ever happen to me. 

2008- Beijing. Re-married this time to the man of my dreams I was convinced didn't existed. Experienced another life-changing experience when dad died two days into the games. 

2012- London. Still married to the man of my dreams, living in Connecticut and raising our baby girl because adoption rocks!

A few things I've realized in the last two minutes... 1- I would love to see Cony's timeline. 2. I love watching rowing. It does my heart really good. 3. I'm curious to see where our life will be during the next summer games. 


  1. I was just watching rowing thinking about you! I love the timeline!

  2. I watched the rowing yesterday and thought of you and Charity - and hoped you were watching.

    I remember watching, and sometimes helping, you go through these trials and blessing. I am so honored that I have been a small part of your life.

    Love you girl.

  3. I thought you lived in Idaho for longer than 8 years. That was 20 years ago that you left! CRAZY. I remember we shared one of our birthday parties because my birthday is the day after yours. :)

    What a neat post with huge significance each 4 years! No pressure for 2016.

  4. Love the timeline! It's amazing how different your life can be in just four years. I should do this. Ü

  5. Kristen! I can't believe it was 20 years ago either. How did we get to the age where we can say 20 years ago???? A

    And it was just over 8 years we were there. I totally remember having our 8th birthday party together at my house. Castle/cloud theme or something. So much fun!
