Tuesday, July 24, 2012


A week ago I had the chance to spend a Saturday with Gwen, Nancy and Crystal. We call ourselves DOLs: Dogs Off Leashes. We did a few planned things but more unexpected... and it felt so nice not to be in a rush for anyone or anything.

We started by visiting a small grave site..

Found Devil's Hopyard Park..


We really do live close to the coast and I forget it all the time.




I believe we all gasped when we saw this home...

We had a really sweet picnic at the Florence Griswold Museum before we went on a tour. Something I love about CT/NE is the fact libraries have passes you can check out to get into museums, parks, etc for either free or half off.




I love spending time with my DOLs and so grateful for their friendships and talents. Because I have learned so much from them.

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