Monday, May 28, 2012

Mother's Day

May has been very adventurous and full of memories.  I have a lot of catching up to do but for now I'll write about the things I want to remember the most, which consist of Mother's Day weekend. 

Saturday the 12th, we were able to have Madelyn sealed to us in the Atlanta Temple and thankfully Brother Hansen who sealed Cony and I, was able to perform the ordinance. My mother made her beautiful dress and bonnet which fit her like a glove. We were surrounded by family, including two of my moms siblings who came from out of state for the weekend, our birth-family and some of our dearest friends.  Beforehand Cony and I had a few moments together in the Celestial Room and cherish those few minutes we had to reflect on why the day was important and meaningful to us. My Aunt Ellen walked in with Baby Girl into the sealing room and she immediately started smiling, like she knew the day was all about her. During the actual ceremony she giggled and smiled the entire time and kept her hand in place with absolutely no fuss or wiggle and stared at Brother Hansen for the remainder of the time the moment he said our names. I wish I had words to describe the realness and raw power we felt at that moment. I doubt anything will ever trump that experience. 

Except her blessing did come close which we did immediately after the sealing in a dear friend's home. It meant the world to us that people we love so dearly came to support us. There's something so peaceful about seeing men come together and make a circle to give a blessing, especially men you know and love. 

After the blessing we had a little picnic/bbq and spent most of the time playing (in the pool mostly). We owe so many thank you's to our friends who helped host, planned, cooked, photographed and decorated for our special day. I'm in awe everyday the people we get to have in our life and call friends.

I've come to terms with the fact that I now document our life in photographs more than I do in words. Instagram is perfect for this goal and I can't wait to share more memories. 


  1. Happy mothers day and happy sealing day! What a gorgeous family- inside and out!

  2. best weekend ever! I completely agree, and were so grateful we were apart of madelyn's special day! (haha I love my topless cutie in the hot tub) can't wait till you come back to visit! or we'll come visit you!

  3. What a wonderful weekend. So happy for the three of you - I'm sure it was the most incredible moment of your lives to be sealed together. We'll send our love until we see you again...

  4. Congratulations on the sealing! What a wonderful thing. So happy for your little family. :)
