Friday, April 27, 2012

Ignorance is Bliss

I learned something new this week. I learned that there is a National Infertility Association and this week is Infertility Awareness Week. I don't particularly like to read how others deal with infertility because I strongly believe that it's a very personal struggle and everyone handles it differently. However different, it seems the feeling of grief and pain can only be understood from those that deal with it personally. 

Until this moment only my sister knew we were experimenting with different medical treatments to get pregnant. We were in the mist of a 'bigger' treatment when we found out about Madelyn and we wished with all our hearts that it would be successful because we thought it would be awesome to have two babies so close in age. Clearly it didn't work and as we move forward with the next step, the biggest obstacle I have to climb is my ignorance. I'm not ignorant about the issue but it sure is easy for me to IGNORE and forget that I have an issue.  The theme for this year's Awareness Week is 'Don't Ignore Infertility'. Sooo appropriate for me since I have found bliss in my ignorance.

May I suggest reading Infertility Etiquette and When Fertility Strikes if you or someone you knows struggles with conceiving. Everyone can benefit from reading the articles because you never know, someone close to you might be silently struggling. 

It's a very real possibility that Madelyn could be an only child in our family. Which would be such a bummer because Cony now wants 14 kids. We are taking the steps necessary to grow our family and we have faith there is a plan for us. We've been given this obstacle because we CAN find strength in it and become the people God has intended on us becoming. It's comforting to know she DOES have an older brother Gabriel and I hope they can have a sweet relationship as time goes on. 

Being a mother has opened my eyes to love and peace I honestly didn't know existed. I feel incredibly blessed to feel that every day I hold our baby. Madelyn has filled in a hole in my heart and there is no going back to the same ol' me (or us). 

Go read those articles and get educated. 

She found her feet this week....


  1. Great articles, thank you! Her pictures are adorable.

  2. thank you for those sites. I will read them, I have so many people that I LOVE (friends & family) that struggle with infertility and sometimes I feel like my head is going in circles trying to figure out what to say, & second guessing on what I said.

    I was listening to NPR the other day and they were talking about infertility (now I guess it was probably because this is infertility awareness month????)and they were talking about how when you find out you have serious condition you go to your family & friends for support (like Cancer) but with infertility you go silent & how hard it was. I listened to the whole broadcast just sitting in my car & cried with some of the people who talked (my kids were quite bored in the car, as I was obviously neglecting them throwing animal crackers in their general direction & trying to find tissues in my husbands messy car). I want to be a better friend & support to those who struggle especially since my twin brother & I barely speak & one of the main issues is my fertility & his family's lack there of. Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking us on your journey, for being honest with your feelings & for giving us some perspective. I am really thankful for you in that. Okay, I love you guys! You are super great parents & I hope you do get 14 kids because I think you would be super fantastic at it, & if I didn't love mine so much & not like pregnancy so much that I would make a few for you..

    Oh, and I don't know if you ever post my comments, but these are for you because I am a huge fan of all of your talent, humility & your amazing personality. I just got called to YW, so keep posting ideas, because I am learning too and this seems to come natural!

