Monday, March 19, 2012


I've been having some craaazy dreams lately. I mean, if I could write well, I could be the next Stephanie Myers and make millions off my dreams. But alas, that is not my destiny.  However, I've been thinking a lot about dreams in the last week and certain songs and talks have helped me realize how many of my dreams have come true. I love that song Teenage Dream by Katy Perry and have been hearing it randomly throughout the week, although there are many things I wish I could change about my teenage years- mostly my self confidence and self image- I'm living the dream I had for myself back in the day. Did this happen over night? Ohhh how I wish that were the case sometimes, but the paths I've taken in life have lead me directly to my personal real-life dream. Cony being the main attraction. I sometimes wonder what others perception of our life could be and wonder if that perception would change if they really knew the struggles and trials we face. It's true. Our life is NOT perfect. If I didn't believe certain trails were too sacred to share with even family, I would love to dish all the darkness that can enter our home. Over the past few months my testimony has strengthened tremendously of dreams coming true but not without first experiencing a lot of pain and anguish. 

On Saturday we went to the Boston LDS Temple with the Youth and it brightened my soul. The peace and comfort that comes from within those walls is powerful. A member of the Temple Presidency told us a story that he witnessed while he was Mission President (I believe it was in Austria) of a young missionary. Well this young man had a very vivid dream that included him walking out of the temple dressed in a dark suit next to a young woman in a white dress. This young woman ended up investigating the church and later was baptized but it wasn't until 3 years after his dream that they were married in the temple. This story struck me because it does take time to make dreams a reality and we have a big role to play in our own happiness. 

Here's another main attraction in my real life dream....









  1. Look at Miss Ruffle Bottoms!! So adorable!

  2. She is so adorable... seriously.

  3. Welcome to your dreams. =o) I'm living mine too and even though it's hard, I wouldn't want it any other way. And the difficult journey getting here is what makes it so sweet. I love your pictures of her. Priceless.

  4. Your real life dream seems amazing. Super cute little girlie outfits & great photographer mom! Love it, always a fan!
