Friday, February 17, 2012

We All Scream for Ice Cream

We all do, except for Miss Gracie. The older and more alert Madelyn is becoming the more Gracie fights for our attention. She taught herself to bring me a toy and lay it on my lap while I'm feeding Maddie and this is the look I get when I'm focusing on baby and not on her.


So sad looking uh? She acts as if she never gets attention from us. 

Nana sent us another outfit that I couldn't resist documenting her in because it has a ice cream cone on it for heaven's sake!




Valentine's Day was perfection. It's one of my favorite holidays and I love keeping it low key so we can focus on us. Cony surprised me with flowers delivered to the door and I gave him what he loves most around here- ice cream (cake from Dairy Bar on campus). We stayed in eating our favorite Mexican dinner and watched Twilight. The last part I'm embarrassed to even admit, but.......

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