Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Uptown Girl

There have been many happy moments in our life in the last few weeks, I wish I could record them all. I'm sure y'all have heard that Connecticut got hit with a really bad snowstorm and some people I know just got power back yesterday! We are almost ashamed to say that we never lost power and feel very blessed. Thankfully friends came over to take advantage of our hot water and electricity! Gracie loved the snow and we're so looking forward to a wet dog in the dead of winter (please tell me you heard the sarcastic tone?).   



The Fall Festival the Young Women have been planning for months was postponed for this coming Friday. However, this did not stop the sisters from dressing up in their costumes. LOVE their creativity. 


For my birthday, we took the day off and drove into NYC. Yes, we drove and ended up loving the drive even with traffic. Spent the day shopping and window shopping. We spent a little time in Tiffany and Co. and it was crazy and full of people, which I didn't expect. The engagement ring floor was full of sparkly jewelry and I wanted it all. And I'm not a jewelry person. 

After taking the subway down to the 9/11 Memorial and only staying for 3.5 seconds (because of the madhouse caused by the "Occupy") we took the subway back up to 102nd Street thinking that's where our dinner reservations were. Ah! More like 102 5th Avenue between 16th & 17th Street! At least we enjoyed a nice cab ride and the manager of the restaurant got us right in and we felt like royalty. We went to Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill and it was out of this world delicious. We ordered 3 appetizers to share and it was plenty of food and they were very small in size but so full of flavor we found ourselves stuffed to the brim. However, that didn't stop us from ordering dessert- Deep Dish Banana Creme Pie. Yes, it was better than it sounds! 

After dinner we made our way to our show Rock of Ages. We weren't sure what to expect but the reviews all said it was awesome and we love us some 80's rock. Well, we stayed for about 20 minutes and left. We had some good seats too... but it was so vulgar we couldn't stay. The girls were in lingerie the entire time, they used the Lord's name in vain and used the F word a few times (all this in the 20 minutes we were there!). I felt so bad for Cony because he tried so hard to surprise me and we both thought we'd like the show. But I have to say, the second we walked out of that theater my heart swelled with so much gratitude that my husband was willing to walk out. I wish I could write into words how my love for him at that moment was so real, I couldn't help but shed a tear or two walking through Time Square. 

I saw this and had to take a photo immediately. Way to represent in NYC, Dawgs! 


Looking forward to the next few weeks spending time with family and enjoying some changes. God is good. 

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