Monday, October 10, 2011

Our Little Haven

I realized just the other day we've been in our new place for over 5 months and although we are still trying to make it our "home", I wanted to post photos to track our progress. We really do love our home. The heat hasn't been turned on yet and we're a little chilly but plan on buying some serious flannel pj's for this winter. We do live in a hundred year old home after all, original windows and all. 




These are my favorite pieces of art in our home right now. All ordered on etsy. The bee is my tribute to my dad. He was a bee-keeper, loved Georgia Tech and loved bulldogs. It makes me smile every time I look at it. The artist lives in Athens so I'm thinking there's a GaTech vs. UGA theme related to the piece. The calligraphy piece I adore. Emily did an amazing job and she's now my favorite calligrapher. And the Abraham Lincoln quote I bought not only because I think it's powerful but he's also a distant relative. 

Tip of the day: It's all about putting meaningful things in your house to make it a home! Even if that means it takes months or even years to complete it. You can keep my two cents.  


This pillow case was the inspiration for the room. I wanted some deep colors but keep it light and airy with a touch of traditional but whimsical all in one. It really pays to work at Pottery Barn sometimes.  

I've realized a few things while taking these photos but one is... our lamp puts off a super yellow hue. And that needs to change asap.  


  1. it's adorable and super homey looking. I would like to come and chill out on your couch for a bit. :) Where did you get the cute Halloween sign? Did you make it?

  2. Your home is sooo cute, Meg! You have a gift for design and photography.

  3. Your home is soo cute, Meg! You have a gift for design and photography.

  4. Love how things are coming along; what a beautiful home! xoxo you've got the eye, sista!
