Thursday, May 26, 2011

The itch.

Cony had the grand master plan to get poison ivy on his first week on the job. But I think his bigger plan was to give it to me. Although my case is not even close as severe- I've had it longer! To help us feel better we went to the Dairy Bar on campus and it's true, ice cream does help make everything better....

Last week we had the opportunity to take the Youth from our church to a Prom. (A church prom.) Doesn't that sound like fun? We drove them in a 18 passenger van and the highlight of the night was the food. Let's just say next time we're taking a smaller car so I can keep my eyes on everyone. I do not miss being a teenager in the least. I was the girl that was uncomfortable in my own skin (until thankfully I was 17 and not longer!). Then I spent a summer in Idaho that changed me for the better.

My little loves snuggling in the backseat. Cute uh?

When the sun is out, I walk around campus and get to see little treasures like this....

The weekend is coming and I'm really looking forward to having Monday off and celebrating Memorial Day, New England style (although I'm not really sure what that means yet!).

Happy Memorial Day!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute ! Our stake is having a church prom too .... it is called "the modest prom" - it is this wkend.
