Friday, May 6, 2011

Don't Stop Believin'

Journey's song is my ringtone for Cony and it's fun to see people's faces when he calls. When I call him they get to hear "Turn Around Bright Eyes." by Bonnie Tyler. Anywho, There are many things to catch up on. April was a doozy in so many ways but somehow we have managed to come into the month of May happy and stronger.

Just a few highlights:

* We moved and I can't wait to share pictures. It's a true Victorian Home built in 1905 and the owners have completely redone the place. We LOVE it.

* Cony may have lost his funding at school but he has a full time job on campus for the summer working with the grounds crew. I'm jealous he'll be outside all the time.

*Gracie is adjusting to the new place. However, we keep finding her snoozing on our bed because she can't stand the wood floors. Rugs are coming!

*I was called to be the Young Women's (girls ages 12-18)President (we plan activities and Sunday lessons) in our ward (congregation). I couldn't be more excited. I'm having a hard time finding ideas that I actually like online so I might start sharing the ones I come up with (if I'm so lucky!).

*Spring has finally sprung and campus is starting to look beautiful again.

*We still can't stand Connecticut drivers. I could write a whole post on our experiences ....

*We feel totally and completely blessed to be in love and to be able to live the life we live.


  1. Can't wait to see pictures of your new home!

    If you think CT drivers are bad you need to drive in MA or RI...


  2. wow -- you moved! Can't wait to see pics. And double wow -- you got a super busy calling for sure. I'm the YW secretary and we have about 35 girls = so busy. We've had lots of great activities that I can pass along if you're interested.

  3. Well, I wrote a big ole comment and then something happened. Ah well. Thanks for sharing and glad that you are having wonderful experience amongst the uncertainty.

    You are going to be a wonderful YW president! They need someone like you - so talented, so forthcoming and so loving. Good luck!

  4. So glad that everything is falling into place. So mad that the big long comment I wrote disappeared.

    You deserve all the best and you are going to be a great Young Women's leader!

  5. Congrats on YW President! Try LOTS of great ideas! Good luck! Ü
