Friday, April 8, 2011

My lunch bag.

I consider myself very fortunate to have a husband who understands that I work a lot and I need his help in the morning getting out the door. One way he helps me is by making my lunch. It's great. Some days I have no fork or spoon, the other I'll only have a bell pepper on green lettuce with a lemon to squeeze on it and some days there's so much food packed carefully in my bag, I don't know how I can possibly eat 1/3 of it. He doesn't put love notes in my bag but sometimes I'll find random items hidden. Which makes me laugh and I can't help but think that's so much better than a love note.


  1. if that doesn't make u smile, i don't know what does!

  2. if that doesn't make u smile, i don't know what does!

  3. A red potato and TWO oranges? That's a whole lot of vitamin C AND a lot of love. You are one lucky lady!

  4. You guys are the CUTEST ever !! Love the red potato !!

  5. How does one prepare a raw potato for lunch? Do you microwave it? Hehe, I love it!
