Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just when...

We've been spending our days packing and driving to Boston (not everyday) and loving on Gracie. We're really excited about the house we're moving into next Saturday. We decided it wasn't the right time to purchase and as time unravels, we know why. With the move and some other things, I needed to take a leave of absence from tutoring and I already miss Valerie. However, with all the jobs and driving to Boston every weekend, I was drowning. Thankfully my job at UConn was extended through the summer! In the last few weeks we've finally gotten to a point where we feel we're settling into our little nest here in Connecticut (even when my body & mind can't handle the gloomy days). We've fallen in love with so many people and love the new house we're moving into. Just when we're breathing the school throws a bombshell on us. With all the budget cuts, they are taking away funding to new students and just informed us an hour ago that they won't have funding for 2 years. This changes everything for us. I'm hanging on to the fact I know that miracles happen and I know the Lord has His hands in this and will not (nor will He ever) leave us empty handed. Even if that means Cony is forced on the job market.

As much as I miss home, I've loved what Cony and I have become in Connecticut. Everything we've learned from being here has been for our good and for that reason alone I will always hold a special place in my heart for this state.

I want to be clear. This does not mean we are moving. Nor does it mean we are staying. We have NO clue what we're doing at the moment. If you pray and you want to mention us, we would be greatly thankful.

On a more happy note: our weekend consisted of a BBQ at Gina & Jerry's with the elders doing the cooking and Gracie getting super muddy and loving every minute of it.



She's now 35 pounds!

Gracie's new thing is to turn around to stare at the back seat

and jump up and take over the bed. The one night Cony goes to bed before me and I see this... (no she does not sleep with us)

UConn celebrates Earth Day on campus,

with a cow...

cooking cows...

and giving away free ice cream... everyone at work took advantage. Do you notice a theme?? We love them cows here in the CT.

Happy Earth Day & Good Friday!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My new tattoo

Today was a dream come true. We got to drive a mini-van to church filled with red headed children while their mom stayed home to take care of the youngest with a broken leg. Which meant we got to sit next to these kids during church services. If the parents would let us, we would just adopt these kids and call it a day! Apparently the kids were being so good Cony got a little bored and decided to draw me a new tattoo. I thought he was just using the top of the pen to trace the lines, so you can imagine my surprise when I took off my panty-hose.



Friday, April 8, 2011

My lunch bag.

I consider myself very fortunate to have a husband who understands that I work a lot and I need his help in the morning getting out the door. One way he helps me is by making my lunch. It's great. Some days I have no fork or spoon, the other I'll only have a bell pepper on green lettuce with a lemon to squeeze on it and some days there's so much food packed carefully in my bag, I don't know how I can possibly eat 1/3 of it. He doesn't put love notes in my bag but sometimes I'll find random items hidden. Which makes me laugh and I can't help but think that's so much better than a love note.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

heat to AC back to heat

We didn't announce that we were taking a trip to Georgia because it was a short trip and we didn't have time to see everyone. I promise to take the time in the summer to spend quality time with all of you. We headed to the dirty south for Cony's dads retirement party. We had the most wonderful time even if my throat swelled up the second I got off the plane from all the pollen. Highlights of the trip:

*Emily's 27th Birthday
*Mellow Mushroom
*nieces & nephews!
*parents *siblings or in-laws
*Robek's FIT shake. Yum.

*Stone Mountain
*Stone Mountain Evergreen Hotel-recommend a stay
*breakfast spread at hotel with family

*seeing the sun & getting a little pink

*hot tub at midnight

*retirement party

*grilling outside

*chillin' at the family RV
*Baby Myers

*Shulman girls!


*the Other Megan

*Lawson- thank you for the ride!
*getting eyebrows did

*friends who take care of our Gracie
*flying back in a lightning storm. (do NOT recommend)


Cony's sister and her man..


We love to do our "shake our booty" dance.








Baby Myers loves me.

View from hotel room.

Favorite design element in hotel.

Love the Azaleas. But hated the allergies.