Thursday, March 17, 2011

Top of the morning to ya

I feel since I have some Irish in my blood I should like Saint Patrick's Day, but I don't. There. I said it! However, I love Spring and it's coming. I feel it. We were driving to school this morning talking about how it's really strange to see grass. Not just a small patch, but a whole lawn. And the rivers and lakes are thawing! It feels like a miracle.

Also a few missing details about yesterday's "crazy lady" story. A few things that threw us off. 1.) She was dressed nicely in a beautiful purple trench coat and khakis. However, the second she started talking you could see some disturbing looking teeth. 2.)There were a few African American's sitting near by during her rant. (Also you should read Jenny's comment from that post. She explains what was going on during my memory lapse.)


President Obama wanted to see us, but we polity declined. We just didn't have the time.



Coral reef made from crocheted hats, gloves and scarfs (?) in every single color in the world.








It's true. I look at him and I go weak in the knees.



Even if I don't like the holiday that much...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Thanks for sharing your pictures! They're always so beautiful!!

  2. Love the pics!
    And I love this day because it is my anniversary :)
    So, think of it like that.....
