Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby powder.

Hello world. In the world of Cony and Megan, we've been busy but have had some wonderful experiences in life. We were set apart as ordinance workers in the Boston Massachusetts Temple. (And I really should learn how to spell Massachusetts without the help of spell checker).

We are thrilled to have this opportunity to serve in the temple. For my friends who don't know what an ordinance worker is or what we do in the temple, in short... it's a place where families can be sealed for eternity, one can act as a proxy to be baptized for those that are deceased that didn't have the opportunity on earth and many other sacred ordinances are performed under the proper authority. It's a place where I can feel a love for Cony that I can't feel anywhere else. It's a place where I know I can forget what's going on in the world and be at peace. It's a place where I can pray and have a better understanding about who I am and how I can inspire others around me. It's a place that helps me recognize how different principles connect into one beautiful masterpiece.

(photo by Lorie Burningham)
We miss our kiddies.


Gracie Lou has already doubled in size since we've had her. 22 pounds!



Her new name tag means she officially has owners!




It's a good thing we know how to use baby powder because otherwise.. we'd be in a crisis.


If this interest you. I finished my Isagenix cleanse and haven't felt that good in a really long time. In fact, now that I'm off the shakes my stomach issues are back. Loosing weight wasn't what I considered the best part of this, it was feeling healthy and good. Like I can suck in my stomach again, good.


  1. A few things:

    1) You are beautiful!!

    2) Awesome that you will be temple workers - that is so fantastic and will be a great experience!

    3) Your pup is precious!!! Oh my goodness I want to come and cuddle with her so bad!!! Adorable, adorable, adorable! Also, best name over :)

    4) I miss and love you and hope you feel better soon! Stomach issues suck :(

  2. Such a beautiful temple! I want to go there some day! I can't wait until the Atlanta temple opens. I like driving to Nashville, but the drive is suuuper long. I hate driving to Birmingham even though it's a shorter drive. I feel so spoiled having a temple so close!

  3. Yay ... temple workers ... taking after your mama huh ??!! =) How cool ... that will be amazing !
