Monday, February 7, 2011

Crazy Ideas..

To say that I love getting packages or letters in the mail is an understatement. Even if I've made a purchase and I'm expecting it, the excitement is still the same. Since receiving my Christmas gift from Cony (sewing machine), my mind has been racing with all kinds of things to make. Charity sent me the best little package last week full of fabric scraps to help me with my racing mind. She also sent along a book 'Where will you be five years from today?'. She knows that I have creative desires and that I get in my own way of making things happen for myself. This has really been a wonderful little treat to read. Here are some of my favorite inserts:



This is a real struggle for me. Always has been. Probably always will be. But I'm grateful for the moments I have in my life where I remember that I'm a daughter of God and that He created me, and for that one reason alone... I should love myself and know that I can do great things.




Thank you Charity, for being a supportive and encouraging friend!


Wanna know my new obsession? Pinterest! I think I like it more than Etsy because you can categorize all the photos/blogs/links you find for inspiration in one place. I'm in love with the concept. Feel free to come follow me and all the wonderful things I find.

Picture 3

Our sleeping little Gracie Lou. Thank you to Clark and Rachel for reminding us that Gracie Lou is a character in 'Miss Congeniality' and she is fighting for world peace.


  1. Gracie Lou is adorable! Also that book looks fabulous... so what's your address? In case I need to send you something?

  2. That book is awesome ! Meg ... you are the cutest ! Hope you feel better !

  3. Totally awesome! I love you Megan Metcalf! You are a very talented daughter of God, Indeed. Sew like the wind, my friend.
    Also, send me your snail mail address if you like stuff to open, I like penpals!

  4. I tried to get into Pinterest but there is a waiting list. Do you have any invites you can send?

  5. Where did you get that collar?! I want one for Jolie.
