Wednesday, January 12, 2011

20 and counting..

I'm sure y'all know that we got hit by a blizzard last night. We woke up to more than 20" on the ground. That does not include the 5" that was still on the ground from the weekend. We thought we'd go out and tackle the cold.

This is a view from our window. Can you see the train?

This is what we found outside....


"My foots missing! My foots missing!".

While Cony helped a lot of neighbors dig their cars out.....

I went for a walk,

exploring the old thread mill next door.





'Workin' hard for the money..'.

Only took him about an hour (with some help from me).

You know it's a bad storm, when Connecticut shuts down most everything and the Governor tells us to NOT drive anywhere! I was all prepped and ready for the storm, until last night when I started some projects and didn't have the one thing I needed to finish.... slightly annoying.

Other than digging cars out, today we've enjoyed getting annoyed with each other, Rummikub, and a classic musical movie with Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra. Okay... maybe the last one was just for me.


  1. Brrrr! THAT is some snow! Beautiful pictures though :)

  2. I love, love, love Cony's hat - post lots of pictures of him wearing it because it makes me snicker every time.

    Also - beautiful pictures of the old thread mill

  3. great photos! Looks like what we had last year. Good luck keeping that car clean! Last year we saw some jerks take snow from their parking spot and throw it on/near cars that had already shoveled out!

  4. Beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing!! I wish we got that much snow! We'd be shut down for WEEKS! Stay warm! <3

  5. Holy cow that is bad ... I knew it was crazy when I saw how much GA got ... I couldn't believe it. Connecticut expects snow ... but 25 inches ... dang ! Keep each other warm ! lol

  6. Great photos, but "ugh" on the snow. It looks like what we had for two weeks last year in DC. I remember playing a lot of Wii, shoveling a lot with the neighbors and doing other exercise indoors. So, there are some good memories.

    So happy you could play Rummikub. What a fun game!

    Enjoy the snow and hopefully you don't get more!
