Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cony's first..

There's a first time for everything and we've had a lot of first in just the past week...

First time without family at Christmas.

First blizzard-which are called 'Nor'asters
' in New England.(I've been in a few blizzards but I've just learned this was Cony's first- it's like he grew up in Mississippi or something...).

Not only did Cony get to go caroling for the first time over the weekend, but he was also able to go sledding! It may be have a bunny hill but it was still a blast! Clearly my poor husband had a deprived childhood and we have a lot of catching up to do.


  1. last year's nor'easter that slaughtered DC was awesome. It was in February and shut us down for a week. We were able to do a lot of things y'all did. Minus the caroling, of course :)

  2. How fun !! Show him the ropes Meg =) Our 1st Christmas without family was when Mike was going to BYU Hawaii. It was a strange feeling ... esp in paradise where it is warm and bright and the beach is right in your face ... sure, it was beautiful but very different having Christmas without family. It didn't feel like a holiday. We were alone this xmas too (Mike's dad came up a couple days after to celebrate - but the 25th was just us ... and it was actually very quite and peaceful - even with 3 lil' boogers !) Happy Happy New Year to you and Cony - Love you and loved your Christmas card !

  3. Way to go, Cony! I'm jealous that you got to sled!!
