Friday, October 1, 2010

Few and far between..

While it's fresh on my memory I want to recap my week vacation with Charity. While we enjoyed the New England autumn weather by antiquing and cooking, we also had the opportunity to visit Palmyra, New York. It was beautiful, uplifting and all inspiring in so many ways. I feel like it was such a powerful experience words can not properly articulate how I feel or what I saw. An experience that happens few and far between...



The Smith Home



Beehives. (Me want!)



Neither one of us had been here before, and were not expecting to be able to walk around on trails and just enjoy the beauty. We couldn't have chosen a better time to go, because we were alone on all the tours and alone in the Grove which equaled an amazing experience.

They call this the Apostle Tree because of the 12 limbs. The gardner that takes care of the Grove, is actually not LDS but knows all the stories and actually testifies himself what a special place it is...



Alvin Smith's home he had built for the family before he died.

View of temple from the Smith Home.

Open field behind temple.


Erie Canal. Threatened to throw her in... but she would have de-friended me.

Publishing house where the Book of Mormon was printed. (I was inspired by the yellow ceiling and hope to have a kitchen one day with this exact ceiling!)


5000 prints of the Book of Mormon were printed within a year and was a pure miracle. What you are looking at are the shelves that contain each upper case and lower case letter. Each letter had to be put into a small box separately, backwards AND upside down. I wish I could remember step by step but the process was miraculous, especially for that time.

Peter Whitmer's home where the church was first establish on April 6, 1830.



My testimony of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith was strengthened deeply during this trip. To be able to see where Moroni buried the plates on the Hill Cumorah and the home where Joseph Smith translated those plates - made it real for me on a level I didn't think possible.

All in all, I think Charity fell in love with New England but might get disowned by her own family if she actually admits it to them. Sallie, if you are reading this, don't blame her! Blame me!


  1. LOVE this post! And, I have some fav pics. Oh, and the one of needs to be the new one on your photography website. You look super cute! for real happy.

  2. I agree with Megan :) That pic of you is DARLING!

  3. I agree with Megan :) That pic of you is DARLING!

  4. I can see why she fell in love with New England - it really is beautiful.

    Thanks for this beautiful post, as always, I love your photos - and you.

  5. This looked like such an amazing adventure! Megan, your pictures are incredible!
