Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Some prayers were answered this week and I'm feeling very grateful and very hopeful. First I want to say how sincerely grateful and loved we feel for all the emails we received in regards to our struggle with infertility. Your love and openness has humbled us and we thank you!

Went to a new doctor and for some reason was nervous. Probably because I knew I was going to get a pap smear and who in their right minds like to get those done?? And it didn't help that I saw two darling women who from the back did NOT look pregnant but indeed they were. They could both even cross their legs with no problem and look lady- like, while I'm sitting in my chair trying not to look like I'm there to watch a game on TV. Sometimes, life just isn't fair.

On Sunday I felt the sudden need to have a fast that night and every time I fast, my prayers are answered immediately. True story. The doctor was one of those answers. He sat there and listened to me, asked me questions and even let me shed a tear or two. He was compassionate and felt he sincerely cared. Another miracle had occurred that morning (that I won't opening say) but because this 'miracle' came- he's able to run a bunch of test on me in the next 3 weeks that he wouldn't have been able to do other wise. In the last 3 years the doctors I've gone to have immediately given me a referral to a specialist without even running test on me and knowing for sure what course of action would be best. Which has never set well with me. It's like putting a band aid over a broken bone .. not really dealing with the real issue. Dr. T (short for difficult last name) has given me some medication to take and like I said running more labs and told me loosing weight would be the first step. The funny part...he told me to get to a weight (which I will not disclose) that I never remember being. Maybe 4th grade? I've always been active and never thought I would be in a situation where I was told to loose weight and get it together. But that's exactly where I'm finding myself and I'm feeling very hopeful. Ironic, really.

In other news: just finished my first week at Pottery Barn and I'm so happy to be back in design! I already have a long list of things I'm gonna to use my discount on and hope Cony doesn't regret letting me get a job at the big PB.




  1. Megan, it's so great to hear that your prayers are being answered! I have learned that even the ones answered not how you expect are ones that are most amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this. You are an amazing woman and I'm so glad I met you and Cony.

  2. I'm so glad you found someone in the medical field to give you hope, when like is past encounters, it's hard to find one that REALLY does care. I wish you luck. I believe the Lord has BIG things in store for you both and that you are MEANT to be parents... I know it.

  3. love you megan! so glad you found a great doctor. those make all the difference in the world! i can't even count how many times i cried to my doctor's listening ear. love you and wish the absolute best for you! (and super jealous that you get a pb discount!!)

  4. Meg- Thanks for sharing this meaningful and delicate journey with us. You are loved, appreciated and thought of often.

  5. Meg ... I love your desire for children. I am happy that you found someone to help. Heavenly Father loves you and knows your sweet heart. You will be an incredible mommy! Several girls in my old ward struggled with this as well. For a couple - they took gluetin out of their diets and it worked. Not really sure why - but that was what they were instructed to do. I hope the best for you and Cony - it will happen. I love you girly !!
