Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Big Willi, Part 1

Here it is, the town in which we live. Willimantic. We were in shock when we drove into this town and could have sworn we saw the sign 'Abandon all Hope'. That same weekend we moved in, we headed to Walmart.. which was a huge mistake because it sooo depressing! We make a joke of it now, by pumping ourselves up in the car before we walk in (but it really does help!). However, us hating WalMart is for another day.

Our favorite thing we've discovered here.. a natural springs water fountain. We fill up water jugs for the week and it's so much better than keeping up with Brita. At first we thought it was a religious symbol people were worshipping, since our town is full of Puerto Ricans we thought maybe a Saint Mary......



Another really amazing discovering is our building. Willimantic is known as the Thread City. Our building and the 2 next to us were once thriving thread mills, one of the largest in the world. In fact, these buildings were the first in the world to use electric lighting and Thomas Eddison was part owner of the mill.





1 comment:

  1. Looks beautiful... but sounds strange! I like the fountain water; mmmmm....
