Sunday, March 29, 2009

Silver Star

Today we were able to attend a special service for John Ayers who died in battle in Afghanistan. I mentioned this back in July when we attended the services at the burial site. They were honoring him with the Silver Star. Which is a really big deal. There were many people from the Army who spoke about John, but what I appreciated most was the fact they showed pictures of his OP (Out Post) and his position compared to the enemies. They didn't talk in detail about what happened that day except he didn't give up. He had been shot in the helmet without any impact but stayed his ground. That's bravery right there people! He was the guy in charge of the machine gun. Today was a celebration for the lives he saved and what he died for. Our freedom. It's moments like this that remind me how blessed we are to live in this country!
Thanks to Natalie here's the article about it: AJC

We've had some sweet and tender moments in our lives lately. One of which happened yesterday when Cony went to the Atlanta LDS Temple for the first time. It's too special to talk about in detail. :)


  1. Congratulations to Cony! That's great! Glad to hear you're both doing so well. You LOOK smashing together!!! :)

  2. After I read your blog I found this on

  3. congrats again CONY!!! wish I could be there for the temple sealing! cant wait to see some pictures from that day :)

  4. That is GREAT! I remember when E'lan went through for his first time - ditto! Were you sealed?

  5. Yay! Congrats you guys! Such a special moment.
