Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ol' Mississippi

This weekend we had a wonderful opportunity to head to Mississippi for yet another funeral. We were both a little apprehensive about going, but felt it was the reason we didn't head to Idaho for my mom's sister's funeral. See why I said, 'yet another'?

We didn't stay long, but it was long enough to really build some relationships and bend half broken relationships with Cony's side of the family. Even though I've been waiting ALL season for a snow day and of course it snows all day in Atlanta when we AREN'T here!!

We have a lot of exciting things coming up in the next few months and busy planning and preparing for them to actually happen! I am going to Phoenix in May for the photography workshop I mentioned before and am THRILLED that my friend Megan D. (the other Megan) is coming with me!! She is by far one of my favorites. Cony and I are preparing to go the temple on April 11th to be sealed for eternity. Since we eloped the first time we are having a little dinner after wards with family and some close friends.


  1. When in May are you going to Phoenix? We may be moving to Phoenix in May! If so, we definatly have to get together. Where is the workshop?

  2. April 11th is just around the corner! Congratulations!!

    And can't wait to hear about your AZ trip. It sounds fabulous!

  3. see! I knew it would happen. That's such wonderful news and I'm so happy for y'all!
    I want to hear about the photography workshop too! I was going to ask you about it because I hoped it would be around here- but alas, it is not and that saddens me. But I hope it's nice! This is a good time of the year to go to Phoenix!

  4. oohhh have fun at your workshop!!! i wanna see some pictures when you return!!! ps were so excited for the both of you!

  5. YEAH !! I am sooooo excited that you are getting sealed - CONGRATS !! That is so awesome ... you guys are adorable ... by the way baby #3 is in the oven.

  6. Congrats on your upcoming sealing!

  7. Congratulations! How wonderful! Sorry to hear about another family member passing away. It was good to see Clark and your mom at Aunt Anne's funeral. Hopefully we'll see you guys sometime! I'm thinking road trip - you guys hop in your car and we'll hop in our car and meet in a few days in the middle of the US.
