Thursday, October 2, 2008

Everyone is somebody

Since it is now my favorite time of year, we jumped on the chance to attend the North GA Fair. Yea baby! It's a great chance to eat junk food, people watch and ride the largest ferris wheel in the country. Come to find out while the cart was moving it's way up and around Cony HATES ferris wheels. I couldn't stop laughing because I had NO idea. Who hates ferris wheels!?! I mean honestly. Apparently he had a bad experience growing up. Whatever, I love them and he loves me, so we ride them.

He tried really hard to win that $20 for me but settled climbing the medium side.

The ferris wheel we are about to ride. Cony is secretly wanting to run away..

Cony trying to run away but can't cause he's stuck in a moving cart! (I'm so glad he loves me.)


  1. That's hilarious! Sounds like an extension of fear of clowns as a child! Ha.

  2. You guys are so cute ... I love the pic of the two of you by the ferris wheel ... you are such a beautiful girl !! Love ya !!

  3. You both look great together and so much fun! Thanks for sharing your blog address with me. I have it in my favorites. Again you look great and soooo happy.

  4. Hello! I got that bookshelf at IKEA! It's from the Expidit brand.

    Happy organizing! ;)

  5. Isnt it hilarious the things you learn about after marriage! E'lan has never been on a loopy rollercoaster....Love seeing you and your fam. I am so sorry about your dad! I just read your blog. He was a great man. I guess I am not in the loop of things....better late than never I guess. Love you always.Ruth

  6. oh what fun! thanks for sharing. I love the pictures. :) :) and the fear of ferris wheels. heehee
