Thursday, September 18, 2008

Don't pee

"Don't pee on my head and tell me it's raining". Was probably a term I heard almost has much as "Suck it up!" from my dad. I was in the car the other day listening to country, because let's be honest..the other music you hear on the radio is total crap! Anyways, back to being in my car. I heard a song that has always reminded me of my dad. Josh Turners 'Long Black Train'. I LOVE this song because it has such a beautiful message. Here look for yourself:

There's a long black train comin' down the line,
Feeding off the souls that are lost and cryin'.
Rails of sin, only evil remains.
Watch out, brother, for that long black train.
Look to the heaven's, you can look to the sky.
You can find redemption staring back into your eyes.
There is protection and there's peace the same:
Burnin' your ticket for that long black train.

'Cause there's victory in the Lord, I say.
Victory in the Lord.
Cling to the Father and his Holy name,
And don't go ridin' on that long black train.

There's an engineer on that long black train,
Makin' you wonder if the ride is worth the pain.
He's just a-waitin' on your heart to say:
"Let me ride on that long black train."

But you know there's victory in the Lord, I say.
Victory in the Lord.
Cling to the Father and his Holy name,
And don't go ridin' on that long black train.

Well, I can hear the whistle from a mile away.
It sounds so good but I must stay away.
That train is a beauty makin' everybody stare,
But its only destination is the middle of nowhere.

But you know there's victory in the Lord, I say.
Victory in the Lord.
Cling to the Father and his Holy name,
And don't go ridin' on that long black train.

I said cling to the Father and his Holy name,
And don't go ridin' on that long black train.

Yeah, watch out brother for that long black train.
That devil's drivin' that long black train.

Last Friday we went up to Dahlonega for our nephew Jonathon's football game.(Go Lumpkin County Indians!) Jonathon is 16 and belongs to my dads oldest daughter Jennifer. We have never had a great relationship with his 3 oldest kids. In fact, you could say we've never had a relationship with them. With Cony and I planning to be sealed in the temple we wanted to have a little celebration after wards with family and close friends. I wanted to invite Jennifer, Greg and Matthew so we could get a picture with dad and all his kids. I had this all planned out in my head. But I feel we are on the road to building a relationship with them. The whole night it just felt normal to be around them. (Does this make sense!?) I'm sad that it's taken dad's death for it to happen, but I also have faith he is enjoying it with us.

Sunday after church Cony and I went for a little picnic and a walk to one of our favorite spots. I LOVE this weather. Fall is heaven for me.


  1. Do you know when you are getting sealed?

  2. You are so flippin' cute !! I miss you so much!

  3. That Bridge is in Roswell I took Tammie and Parkers pics there! LOVE IT! You guys are so cute and look so happy!

  4. Holy crap ... you were in Dahlonega ??!! That is crazy ... Man, do I ever remember those games on that field ... that's right I am a Lumpkin alumi 97 baby !! (I should never repeat that!)

  5. ugh me too, fall is my favorite season, even though in florida we dont get much ha!
