Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Achin' for some Bakin'

I'll start by saying I have been aching to be creative the last few weeks. I just want to get my hands on any medium, decorate cupcakes/cakes and even sew!
On Sunday we were invited to a little gathering to get to know some members of our new ward and was asked to bring a little treat. Finally an excuse to bake! Granted I thought they would have turned out much better, but it all comes with practice. These babies had instant pudding and sprite in the recipe and they were so delicious!

We had a Friday night date involving Johnny's pizza and miniature golf. We really wanted to do the go-carts but we both had the wrong shoes on and weren't allowed. (stupid insurance). We played one game of golf and had a blast. Cony lost one ball in the water and another in a pipe. I thought for sure he won, because I was getting nothing but the number 3, but we ended up with the same score! (how often does that happen?) And of course we had to go for Coldstone afterwards ... I mean really, what is a date without ice cream?!


  1. I think your cupcakes look beautiful! And they sound good too. :)

  2. hey! You absolutely have no idea who I am, however I stumbled across your blog while searching bakerella for some new summer recipes. I have to say that I love your blog. I'm married as well and it's nice to see other genuinely happy couples. From what I gather you are Christians, am I correct? If so, we are as well...

    Anyways, again, I love your blog!

    God Bless :)

  3. You guys are so cute !! and I love mini golfing !!

  4. Hey Meg ... you guys are so cute ... and I love mini golf !! I just read this ladies comment above me ... interesting ... you should respond with missionaries !! haha ... anyway, love u

  5. Looks like you had a lot of fun. The cupcakes looked great Meg's. Way to go for creativity!
