Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wedding Pictures

Since I'm a terrible friend and terrible at communicating, some of my friends still do not know that I'm married. Considering we practically ran off and didn't even have family (except Emily & Jordan) at the ceremony, I can't remember who knows and who doesn't.

So I'm posting some wedding pictures that our good friend Erin took afterwards. We are still hoping to have a small celebration with family when we are sealed in the Atlanta LDS Temple in the next few months... so we'll have more wedding pictures when that day comes. Stay tuned..


  1. Oh my goodness ... you are such a beautiful bride !! I love these pics - you guys are adorable ... I can feel the love between you !! I am so happy for you Meggie ... I am so excited that you have found the one you have been waiting for ... Congrats !!

  2. Ok ... so is your last name Metcalf or Benson ... I noticed in the heading that it said Cony Benson ... I'm confused ... keep me updated

  3. Oh ok ... so you met rowing ... I hadn't heard that part yet - our conversation was so short yesterday that I only really got that you are MARRIED !! (holy crap that's awesome) and that his name is Cony ! Anyway, rowing has been good to you babe - your body is rocking !! I need to row somewhere and get back into shape after having 2 kids back to back !! Love you!
