Monday, May 12, 2008

Out of Touch..

I have had the wonderful opportunity to act as Women's Captain for Georgia State University Crew the last year. There have been some ups and downs, but all came with a learning experience. It was just a crazy year.. and that is not an under statement.

We had our End of the Year Banquet last Tuesday and I planned it, with some help from Megan Davidson.. bless her heart she is one of the best women I know. This banquet was like planning a wedding. So I was completely in my element. I think it went well, unfortunately I do not have any pictures, except of me and Emily.

However, Charity and I have been wanting to get into the wedding business for a long while, but just don't' know how!!! Talent, check.. money, no check.. ideas, plans, no check.. and the list goes on. When Cony goes to Law school in the next year, unless I have a baby by that time, I will be the sole provider. Here lies the problem... I don't have a college degree, at least not a Bachelors, so I feel like there aren't a lot of jobs out there for me. Especially ones that would help make me feel worth while.

Anyhow.. life is grand, it's a roller coaster but we're enjoying the ride. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, if you're interested they are hiring at my work. In my dept even. I'm not sure if you're interested in an office job and you'd be on the phones with sales reps- but they pay fairly well. I think the hours might stink a little though, from 11-8pm. They will change it though if no one calls in during that time period. Let me know if you're interested. Contact me on facebook!
