Thursday, March 6, 2008

My little secret...

So now that I'm getting to know this whole little blog thing, I feel compelled to tell a little secret of mine.... I'm accident pron. I'm not just talking a little bump here or there, I'm talking about bumps that are sending me to the hospital. Kaiser Permanente has yet to confirm our application, so my dear Cony is my Dr. Cony. My foot is currently soaking in a big pot of hot water with epson salt, my left wrist is in a brace, bruises all over my right knee.. let's see what else? I'm sick! Soar throat, achy body and headache.

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining, I just wanted to share my pain.

But I have another secret. I have the BEST husband ever! He won't like for me to share with the world that he is beyond amazing, so I will just leave it at that.


  1. You guys make a great couple. Do you pronouce your hubby's name "Cone - ee" or "Con - ee"? We are very hapy for you!

  2. you guys are really so cute! I am so sorry you are accident proned. I meant to talk to you at church, but between YW and Sunbeams I sometimes don't know what to do...
