Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Weekend

It was a long weekend for me, which was fabulous. I not only had Good Friday off, but they gave me Monday off too! Saturday was spent at Clemson for a regatta, which was unsuccessful. The first time since I've been on the team that 1.) I haven't medaled in a race and 2.) NOONE medaled. It was a rough day.

However, Sunday was very pleasant. Cony, Emily, Jordan and myself went to Clark & Rachel's ward in Cartersville. Parents came up and we had a great dinner thanks to Rachel. Then the kids dyed eggs naked and Rachel & I got to hide them. I forgot how much fun that was. So here are a few pictures from the long beautiful weekend.


  1. Awww, those are cute pics!!! Looks like it was a fantatic weekend - that's great. Easter egg hunts are always fun..no matter your age :)
