Monday, March 27, 2017

Our very own maternity shoot

I photographed a very small wedding on Saturday and since I rented a lens I thought we should take advantage and document this special occasion in life. Thankfully my sista was willing to help and last night we made our way to Poole's Mill Park. I set the camera up and she snapped away-- literally, I've never heard my camera's shutter go so fast. We just needed one good photo and luckily we ended up with a few more than one. Even after Olive fell into the muddy water. Ya just gotta go with the flow of things. 

For a moment I contemplated not sharing because my first reaction was "holy moly, I have gained a lot of weight!". But let's be real. I don't really care. I don't really care because I am growing a human- something I didn't think my body was going to do again. This is literally a miracle and for that- I love every single pound I've gained AND so thankful! 

 Olive is so full of character when she's not throwing tantrums.

 And Miss Madelyn is so full of sass lately. 

 I don't know where they get it from... 

Friday, January 13, 2017

New Year, New House!

I have to say that 2017 has started off on a good foot. We actually got snow last Friday, the day we closed on our new house. We didn't expect much from the storm but low and behold, we got almost two inches of snow that quickly turned into ice. So our move got canceled and we weren't sure what we were going to do. However, Saturday night church was canceled and our bishop suggested to get some people over to help (we love our bishop!). We had such a great turn out, we were able to load and unload twice under two hours. 

I have to mention what our good friend Melysa did for me that day too. She not only helped during the move, but she fed us and came back to help me clean all day! She's a keeper and a true friend. 

We have big hopes and dreams for this year and know with a lot of hard work and hustle, we can make them happen! 

(photo is missing a few very key people)

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

A New Year + A New Commitment

It's hard to believe it's 2017. I've neglected documenting our life for over two years, which makes me sick to my stomach. In that two+ years I've realized a few things. 1. Life has been hard and writing is therapy for me- who knew?! I could have had a lot less anxiety attacks had I just taken the time to put life into words. 2. Having kids is no picnic and I've been just surviving life instead of living it fully. 2016 showed me life is never guaranteed and the only thing that matters is family. I know without any doubt that is the reason the world was created--family. So... here's to taking a hold of life and making it wonderful and documenting the good, the bad and the ugly on the way. 


This girl loves to sleep on her tummy... and look at those cheeks!